Topic: [PAUSED] Get 500.000 BTP

anime4049 26.09.2013 17:34
sign up done : anime4049

igbenic 26.09.2013 22:35
Hello signup done

surf01 26.09.2013 23:31
ok registered... my ID: coniglio

passenans39 27.09.2013 15:20
Signup done
Quizzes done

id : passenans39

Hotte00 27.09.2013 17:25
27.09.13 19:22 -10.000 Besuchertausch igbenic Tradimo signup
27.09.13 19:22 -10.000 Besuchertausch surf01 Tradimo signup
27.09.13 19:21 -10.000 Besuchertausch passenans39 Tradimo signup
BTP sent =)

@anime: unfortunately you are not in my downline.

surf01 27.09.2013 20:10
BTP received... thank you very much!

Hotte00 28.09.2013 10:25
@surf: Your welcome. ;)

I had to change my offer because it will end in the next days. In consequence to that there is no signup-bonus available.

Big thanks to all participants!
Apparently some people have now a new hobby and for me the offer was successfull too.
Thank you for that guys. I hope to continue the offer somewhere along the way but it is still written in the stars wether the offer will really continue.

simpler 29.09.2013 01:28
signup done!

tariqmhed 29.09.2013 07:29
sign up done...
id : tariqmhed

Hotte00 29.09.2013 11:38
Both confirmed. =)
Thank you

offer paused :)