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Buy Targeted Traffic From The United States
Buy Unique Impressions And High Quality Traffic From The United States
For many years, eBesucher has been providing unique impressions and high quality traffic to websites of a wide range of customers and business partners from the United States and Northern America. Established in 2002, eBesucher has gathered the necessary experience to offer you the best performance and lowest prices. Today, we are a renown and well experienced marketing platform for online advertising, quality traffic and targeted visitors. If you want to buy targeted visitors and traffic from the United States of America, you will give your site the boost it deserves! Join us now - it's free - and decide later whether you wish to place an order and get unique impressions in the surfbar, through click campaigns or by sending advertising emails to thousands of potential clients.
Buy Targeted Visitors From the United States

Our advanced Geo-Targeting feature allows us to advertise the websites of our customers to targeted visitors from the United States. Buying real traffic and unique impressions is necessary to present your own website quickly and cost-effectively to a large target audience. We offer you high-quality U.S. based traffic, advanced group targeting, unique visitor filters and a support team that assists you in your individual marketing strategy. Advertise your project in the USA, improve your Alexa ranking, gain advantages in SEO optimization and compete for important backlinks now! Join us and start advertising your Internet project, Youtube video, website, homepage, Facebook community, social media channel or blog in the United States of America or in English-speaking countries and get unique targeted visitors and quality website traffic!
Buy Targeted Visitors From The United States
Prices And Costs For Website Traffic From The United States

The price calculator allows you to determine the costs for a visitor on your website. You can calculate the costs for the number of visitors that you wish to receive. The advertising budget is calculated in two units: Visitor Points (BTP) and Mail Points (MTP). The price for a visitor in the surfbar or through a click campaign is calculated in BTP (visitor points), whereas the sending out advertising emails requires MTP (mail points). When advertising in the surfbar or through a click campaign, you also participate in the eBesucher Bidding. The Bidding allows you to set a maximum bid for each campaign, which defines the maximum number of points that you wish to spend for a visitor. You can therefore decide for yourself, how much money you want to invest in new targeted visitors for your advertising campaign!
Prices For Traffic And Visits From The United States